Monday, March 15, 2010

Would Jesus Want Universal Healthcare?

Well, would He?

Yes, Jesus commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves. This would include caring for their health. Yes, Jesus performed many miracles to heal the sick and seemed to have a burden for the sick. He would want us to have this same burden. Yes, Jesus encourages sympathy and even commands us to be charitable.

But would he want the Government to take over the entire system and run it like a bureaucracy? Would he want health care backed by the force of the Government?

Let's compare the scenario to the times of Jesus. Would he have wanted to Romans to take control of all care of the sick? Would he have wanted health care for everyone at the point of a Roman spear? Would he have wanted Roman soldiers enforcing the health care bill?

I think not! I also think that Jesus would not have supported what our Government is trying to do. I think that He would have preferred for those less fortunate to come to the church and receive the charity and sympathy of the church. This is how things were done long before large, over-bearing Government.

I am welcome to suggestions, questions, or comments. The link to comments is located just under the title.

1 comment:

  1. For more information on Healthcare solutions, see:


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