Friday, March 5, 2010

When Good Men Do Nothing

"All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing." -Edmond Burke

I do not know if Mr. Burke was a Christian, but this sounds like something that a Christ Follower would say. Over the last few years, I have become more and more aware of the corruption creeping into our politics and bleeding over into our culture. How did all of this start?

My opinion is that over the last two decades, Christians have withdrawn into a shell of protection due to the growth of the Political Correctness movement. It was all too easy to be accused of being racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted, etc. when Believers tried to state their opinions on abortion, gay marriage, and other such issues. It was easier just to withdraw into our homes and churches and completely ignore politics, locally and nationally.

While Christians were busy with anything but politics, the secular politicians and community leaders took over and began pushing an "anything-goes" mentality. Tolerance was preached in our schools, universities, and communities. People kept there mouths shut in fear of offending other people. Prayer was banned from our schools, Bibles were pulled from shelves and thrown away, public schools began re-writing history and science textbooks with new agendas, and the Christians stood aside and let it happen.

Today we are seeing the beginning of a new age of awareness. Christians are beginning to open their eyes and wonder how we got here. So what are we supposed to do? Is there anything we can do? Is this going to be too-little, too-late? Can we truly represent Christ's love through our involvement in politics? Can we reverse the descent of our Nation into immorality? What does God say that we should do? Does the Bible even say anything about politics?

These are the questions that I want to start answering through this blog. I need your help as I explore these questions. Please feel free to leave questions or suggestions in the comment box below each blog entry. I would also like to get others involved in this blog as co-authors. If you are interesting in contributing to this discussion as a co-author or guest author, please contact me via Facebook or via e-mail

God Bless America!


  1. Hey, thanks so much for the comment on my blog. I would be honored to guest post at some point...perhaps when college lets out and I have more free time to write things other than assignments.

    Great post! I completely agree that over the last fifty years or so Christians have largely withdrawn from society and allowed secular leaders to take charge of government. Something I was just reading today is that Christians first began separating themselves from public policy and positions of influence with the beginning of the Fundamentalist Movement in the 1920s. (Though don't get me wrong, I would consider myself a fundamentalist, just one who believes Christians should counter the culture and be involved in shaping policy.) But starting with the 1920s, rather than countering darwinism and the post-modern there-is-no-absolute-truth view, essentially, Christians have been hiding. And that definitely needs to change. Thanks for standing up for the truth!

  2. Jess,

    You and I agree completely on this topic. Today's Christians need to be bold and begin to take this Country back to the Godly principles that it was founded on, and I truly believe that it is up to our generation to do so. One way that we can do this is by spreading the word via alternative media. I am very excited about this new venture and I will be kicking off this blog soon and hopefully posting daily. I would love to have you guest write at some point. I will be in touch. -Micah


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