Saturday, May 8, 2010

Political Correctness

An elementary school principal in Michigan is under investigation for authorizing a field trip for 30 black students to meet with an African-American rocket scientist. Students who are not black were excluded from the outing -- a possible violation of a state law that bans racial favoritism in public schools. (click here to read full story)

Here is a recent Facebook conversation that I had with my friend Wendy on this article:

Me: Is this what we want to teach our kids? That segregation is only one way? That it is okay to exclude white kids from a field trip? Imagine the uproar if this story were reversed...

Wendy: Reverse discrimination is becoming quite an issue in many ways in our country. I know a stand needs to be taken. But how?

Me: First of all, Christians and Conservatives need to stand up against the Political Correct movement. We have been accused as racist, sexist, homophobes for years now. They use the word racist so frequently is has almost completely lost it's meaning. So we need to do what is right no matter what name they call us.

Secondly, we need to purge the words... "reverse-racism" and "reverse-discrimination". The definition of the two terms do not include a description of race. Blacks hating Asians, Asians hating Hispanics, etc... it is all racism.

I think our people are ready to move past racism. They are tired of it. But our politicians and supposed leaders are more interested in splitting us into groups and pitting us against each other for political gain. It is sad.

This is a good topic. If you don't mind, I would like to post it in my blog.

Good thoughts. Please do post it on your blog. I am anxious to see the conversation that develops.

Thanks Wendy! What do you guys think?

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